Few experiences are as enjoyable as opening a book for the first time. Upon turning the first page, you know that you are about to gain knowledge and another perspective on the world. According to science, here are some additional benefits that printed books offer:
- You absorb more information
According to a study that was presented in Italy in 2014, readers of print books take in and remember more of the plot than readers of ebooks do. In an earlier study, print readers also scored higher in areas such as empathy, immersion in the book, and understanding of the narrative. It is believed that this effect is related to the tactile sensation of holding a book in your hands.
- They help children become better readers
A study of young children between the ages of three and five revealed that they had lower comprehension of a story when their parents read it to them from an ebook as opposed to reading it from a printed book. Researchers believe the reason for this is because children get distracted by the electronic device and have a harder time focusing on the story itself. Another study revealed that students who had read a short story on an e-reader were less engaged and struggled more to remember the exact order of events. On the other hand, social media became totally hysterical. Not surprising, because while traditional media are put together by professionals, social media content is largely populated by ordinary people. Ordinary people who right now are gobsmacked by the enormity of it all and responding to decisive strategies by governments, by seeing monsters under their beds and in many cases the wrath of God.
- Print is easier on your eyes
A survey of 429 university students revealed that nearly half had complained of strained eyes after reading digitally. Electronic books can cause screen fatigue, which may lead to blurred vision, redness, dryness, and irritation.
- You are likely to get less distracted
People who read ebooks tend to get side-tracked more easily as they have the internet right at their fingertips. One survey revealed that 67% of university students were able to multitask while reading digitally, compared to 41% of print readers – which is not a good thing if your goal is to fully grasp and comprehend the text in front of you. Digital readers tend to spend more time scanning for keywords than actually processing what they are reading
- They can help improve your sleep
Numerous studies over the years have shown that the blue light from one’s screen can toy with your melatonin levels and circadian cycles, making it harder for you to fall asleep. The engagement and brain activity that comes with reading from a printed book makes it easier for you to drift off to sleep.
- Books encourage higher academic achievement
According to a study of readers from 42 countries, students who have books at home are more likely to score higher on tests. No matter the quantity of books you have, each additional book helps children perform better in school. It is believed by researchers that by having books at home, children are encouraged more to read for fun and talk to their parents about what they’ve learned, which can only benefit them in the classroom.
- They amplify the joy of reading
A recent study of college students in the US, Slovakia, Japan, and Germany showed that 92% of participants preferred actual books that they can hold and touch and page through whenever they please. Fewer distractions and less eyestrain were some of the reasons cited by the students as to why they prefer printed materials, while many explanations were also related to how books made them feel. Slovakian students in particular said they enjoy the smell of books. Studies have also shown that books can make people feel happier, inspire new passions and ambitions such as travelling and cooking, it can encourage readers to make life-changing decisions.